We will find you the right partners to do business with

Together with you,
Kaja Consultants makes an analysis of what is needed to successfully bring your product to the Dutch or Estonian market. A process is then started in which we approach potential business partners and check whether your product and philosophy are in line with this.
These are time-consuming processes that are best done by someone who knows both cultures and has experience as an entrepreneur and sales professional.

Just contact Kaja Consultants and ask how she can help you find the right business partner. She is your shortcut to success.

Estonian partners

Tales of Reval

Tales of Reval is a new playful way to experience medieval Tallinn. Our goal is not to fill the heads of our guests with names and numbers, but we want to tell you the best stories of Tallinn and offer you the greatest value in an authentic, educational, and entertaining MEDIEVAL way. What makes our tour special is the unique way of presentation: in our performance, we have combined traditional guiding, the art of storytelling, and street theatre. By involving the audience in telling our stories, we ensure that everyone is paying attention from the beginning to the end of the tour. The route of the show has been chosen so that our journey would be enjoyable for every age group.